Saturday, 23 February 2013

Sophie Kinsella's fan

Did you watch Confession of a Shopaholic? Adapt from a novel, The Secret Dreamworld Of A Shopaholic or known as Confession of A Shopaholic. A story about one woman who really likes to go shopping and spend her money over unnecessary thing. She was a financial journalist and a debt collector are as well chasing after her. Even though she tried so hard stop her shopping habit but she still failed. 

Hah.. you guys must have been watching this movie. BUT, this movie is not the point. My headlines for today is the maker or the author of the book, Sophie Kinsella. Frankly, I was a big fan of her. Of course, she have many fans all around the world and I was one of them. I was a book lover. My family knows it. Every week,  I would go to MPH bookstore at Giant sec 13, SA which is near to my house and will bought at least one or two books. C.O.M.P.U.L.S.O.R.Y.

My very first Sophie Kinsella's book is Shopaholic Ties The Knot. At first I read it, it was AMAZING! Totally different from any other book. Obviously, what makes me buy the book is, the design of the cover of the books. 

Isn't it attractive? Alright, the next visit to MPH, I found another Sophie Kinsella's book. Remember Me, Twenties Girl, Can You Keep A Secret etc. Seriously, I'm addicted to all of this novel. It is not only unique and interesting but also have moral value. Most of thing in this story, happened in a real life. How I felt about Sophie Kinsella's book is indescribable. I'm soooo into all of these book and I wished to buy all of her book in the future :)

Remember Me

Twenties Girl

Can You Keep A Secret?

I've Got Your Number

AND, this is my favorite author, Sophie Kinsella :D

Thursday, 21 February 2013


1. Bertakwa.

2. Beriman kepada Allah, Malaikat-Malaikat-Nya, Kitab-Kitab-Nya, Rasul-Rasul-Nya, hari kiamat, dan beriman kepada takdir yang baik maupun yang buruk.

3. Bersaksi bahwa tiada tuhan yang berhak disembah kecuali Allah, bersaksi bahwa Muhammad adalah hamba dan Rasul-Nya, mendirikan solat, menunaikan zakat, berpuasa di bulan Ramadlan, dan naik haji bagi yang mampu.

4. Ihsan, iaitu beribadah kepada Allah seakan-akan melihat Allah, jika dia tidak dapat melihat Allah, dia mengetahui bahwa Allah melihat dirinya.

5. Ikhlas beribadah semata-mata kepada Allah, tawakkal kepada Allah, mencintai Allah dan Rasul-Nya, takut terhadap azab Allah, mengharap rahmat Allah, bertaubat kepada-Nya, dan bersabar atas segala takdir-takdir Allah serta mensyukuri segala kenikmatan yang diberikan kepadanya.

6. Gemar membaca Al Qur’an dan berusaha memahaminya, berzikir mengingat Allah ketika sendiri atau bersama banyak orang dan berdoa kepada Allah semata.

7. Menghidupkan amar ma’ruf dan nahi mungkar pada keluarga dan masyarakat.

8. Berbuat baik (ihsan) kepada tetangga, anak yatim, fakir miskin, dan seluruh makhluk, serta berbuat baik terhadap hewan ternak yang dia miliki.

9. Menyambung tali persaudaraan terhadap orang yang memutuskannya, memberi kepada orang, menahan pemberian kepada dirinya, dan memaafkan orang yang mendhaliminya.

10. Berinfak, baik ketika lapang maupun dalam keadaan sempit, menahan amarah dan memaafkan manusia.

11. Adil dalam segala perkara dan bersikap adil terhadap seluruh makhluk.12. Menjaga lisannya dari perkataan dusta, saksi palsu dan menceritakan kejelekan orang lain (ghibah).

13. Menepati janji dan amanah yang diberikan kepadanya.

14. Berbakti kepada kedua orang tua.

15. Menyambung silaturahmi dengan karib kerabatnya, sahabat terdekat dan terjauh.

Taken from Al ustadz Azhari Asri, Judul Asli Wanita Ahli Surga Dan Ciri-Cirinya. MUSLIMAH XVII/1418 Kajian Kali Ini,Sumber: offline judul: Wanita Ahli Surga dan Ciri-Cirinya.


Dosa-Dosa Kecil Yang Dianggap Biasa


" فزنا العين النظر" ( أي إلى ما حرم الله )
Adapun zina mata adalah melihat ( kepada apa yang diharamkan Allah)
(Hadits marfu’ riwayat Imam Ahmad, 2/69, shahihul jami’ : 3047)

ولا تقربوا الزنا إنه كان فاحشة وساء سبيلا 
“Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina, sesungguhnya zina itu sesuatu perbuatan yang keji dan suatu jalan yang buruk” ( Al Isra’ : 32)


" لا يخلون رجل بامرأة إلا كان ثالثهما الشيطان "
“Tidaklah seorang laki-laki berkhalwat dengan wanita kecuali pihak ketiganya adalah syaitan” ( HR At Tirmidzi, 3/474; lihat Misykatul mashabih: 3188)
dan dari Ibnu Umar t bahwasanya Nabi r bersabda :

" لا يخلون رجل بعد يومي هذا على مغيبة إلا ومعه رجل أو إثنان"
“Sungguh hendaknya tidak masuk seorang laki-laki dari kamu setelah hari ini kepada wanita yang tidak ada bersamanya (suami atau mahramnya) kecuali bersamanya seorang atau dua orang laki-laki. ( HR Muslim : 4/1711)


" أيما امرأة استعطرت ثم مرت على القوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية"
“Perempuan manapun yang menggunakan pewangi kemudian melewati suatu kaum agar mereka mencium wanginya maka dia seorang pezina” ( HR Ahmad, 4/418; shahihul jam’: 105)


Allah SWT. berfirman :

إنما الخمر والميسر والأنصاب والأزلام رجس من عمل الشيطان فاجتنبوه لعلكم تفلحون
Sesungguhnya (minuman) khamar, berjudi, berhala, mengundi nasib dengan panah adalah perbuatan keji termasuk perbuatan syaitan, maka jauhilah perbuatan-perbuatan itu agar kamu mendapat keberuntungan.” ( Al Maidah: 90).


Dari Abi Hurairah ra. dari Nabi Muhammad SAW , bahwasanya beliau bersabda :
" إذا دعا الرجل امرأته إلى فراشه فأبت فبات غضبان عليها لعنته الملائكة حتى تصبح"
“Jika seorang suami mengajak istrinya ke tempat tidur, ia menolak, sehingga suami marah atasnya maka Malaikat malaknat perempuan itu hingga datang pagi” ( HR Al Bukhari, lihat fathul bari : 6/314).


Dan dalam hadits Anas bin Malik t, Rasulullah r bersabda :
" ليكونن في هذه الأمة خسف وقذف ومسخ، وذلك إذا شربوا الخمر واتخذوا القينات وضربوا بالمعازف"
“Kelak akan terjadi pada umat ini tiga hal: (mereka) ditenggelamkan (kedalam bumi ); dihujani batu;dan diubah bentuk mereka; iaitu jika mereka minum arak, mengundang biduanita-biduanita (untuk menyanyi) dan menabuh (membunyikan ) muzik”.


Rasulullah S.A.W menerangkan hukum dan akibat perbuatan ini dalam sabdanya:

" إذا كنتم ثلاثة، فلا يتناجى اثنان دون الآخر حتى تختلطوا بالناس، من أجل ذلك يحزنه"
“Jika kalian sedang bertiga, maka janganlah dua orang berbisik tanpa seorang yang lain, sehingga kalian membaur dalam pergaulan dengan manusia, sebab yang demikian itu akan membuatnya sedih” ( HR AlBukhari, Fathul Bari : 11/83).


" إن أشد الناس عذابا عند الله يوم القيامة المصورون "

“Sesungguhnya orang yang paling keras seksanya kelak pada hari kiamat adalah para perupa” ( HR Al Bukhari, Fathul Bari : 10/382


10 Best Diet Tips

Losing pounds doesn't have to be torture (we're looking at you, cayenne-pepper cleanse). Adopt at least three of these behaviors — they're simple to integrate into your day-to-day routine, and all are enthusiastically backed by nutritionists — and you'll be thinner and healthier in days. (Plus, the weight will stay off.)

1. SNACK, BUT SMARTLYGrazing between meals used to be on the weight-loss hit list. But nutritionists now know that it's better to satisfy a craving with healthy grub than ignore it and risk a junk-food binge later. The best picks are filling, protein-packed snacks, such as one stick of string cheese, a tablespoon of peanut butter on a piece of fruit, or a medium-size bowl of edamame.

Dining while viewing can make you take in 40 percent more calories than usual, reports a new study. And texting, driving, or any other distracting activity during a meal can also result in your eating too much. Instead, make each meal something you put on a plate and sit down to, even if you're eating solo.

If your regular weight increases several days in a row, it's a red flag letting you know you need to cut back a little or beef up your workouts slightly.

Doing 5 minutes each of push-ups, lunges, and squats (in 30-second intervals) will help build and maintain muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, so you'll torch more calories as you go about your day.

Next time your mind gets stuck on a certain food, call a friend and redirect your brain by asking how her day's going. Research shows that cravings only last about 5 minutes, so by the time you hang up, the urge to devour junk will have subsided.

An a.m. meal made up mostly of carbs and protein with some fat keeps blood-sugar levels steady and hunger pangs away so you're not susceptible to pigging out come lunch, studies show. Opt for something satisfying for your stomach and taste buds — like egg whites and turkey bacon with whole-wheat toast.

One innocent-looking margarita or cosmopolitan can rack up hundreds of calories that do nothing to quench your appetite. Treat yourself just on the weekends and cut back somewhere else or stick to a glass of wine, light beer, or vodka and soda — three drinks that each have about 100 calories per serving.

Fruit has no fat and is mostly water, so it'll fill you up while leaving less room on your plate (and in your stomach) for high-cal fare. Don't freak about fruit's carbs count — we're talking the good kind of carbohydrates that contain lots of healthy fiber.

Getting to bed just 30 minutes earlier and waking up 30 minutes later than you normally do can help you make better food choices, researchers report. Also, when you're well-rested, you're less prone to snacking out of fatigue or stress.

When you feel your willpower breaking, conjure up a mental picture of yourself when you looked and felt slim. The visual motivation keeps you focused on your goal weight and reminds you that it is attainable, since you've achieved it before.



Kelebihan Berpuasa Sunat Pada Hari Isnin Dan Khamis
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a., bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Segala amal dibentangkan (oleh malaikat ke hadrat Allah Rabb al-’Alamin) pada tiap-tiap hari Isnin dan hari Khamis, oleh itu aku suka amalku dibentangkan semasa aku sedang berpuasa.” - (Hadith Hasan Gharib – Riwayat Tirmizi)

Dengan ini dapat difaham bahawa hadith riwayat Muslim itu hanya menerangkan keistimewaan hari Isnin dan hari Khamis, manakala hadith riwayat Tirmizi yang lalu menerangkan; Baginda berpuasa pada kedua-dua hari itu ialah disebabkan keistimewannya yang tersebut.

Keistimewaan Hari Isnin Secara Khusus
Hari Isnin pula mempunyai keistimewaan yang lain. Ini diterangkan dalam hadith yang berikut:

Hari itu (hari yang bersejarah, kerana) padanya aku dilahirkan dan padanya aku diutus menjadi Rasul – atau pada hari itulah (mula-mula) diturunkan Al-Qur’an kepada aku.” - (Hadith Sahih – Riwayat Muslim)

Daripada hadith ini dapat difaham dengan jelas, bahawa sebabnya Rasulullah s.a.w. mengambil berat berpuasa pada tiap-tiap hari Isnin ialah sebagai bersyukur kepada Allah s.w.t kerana pada hari inilah Baginda diputerakan (hari maulidnya) dan pada hari inilah juga Al-Qur’an mula-mula diturunkan serta Baginda diutuskan menjadi Rasulullahsebagai rahmat bagi seluruh alam.



Solat ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan petunjuk, terutama bila seseorang dalam keraguan memutuskan mana yang terbaik diantara dua perkara yang diragukan. Jika timbul keraguan dalam hati untuk memilih atau mengambil keputusan dalam sesuatu perkara, contohnya: apakah aku harus menolak atau menerima? Keraguan makin terasa, keputusan tidak dapat dipastikan setelah melihat masing-masing ada kelebihan dan keburukannya.

Oleh yang demikian, hendaklah menyerahkan pada Yang Maha Kuasa untuk memilihnya. Sebelum seseorang mengambil keputusan ia dianjurkan solat istikharah dua rakaat.

Dengan mengharapkan agar ditunjukkan Allah untuk mendapatkan pilihan yang terbaik. Jika keraguan masih mempengaruhi fikiran untuk menentukan pilihan, ulangilah solat istikharah dan membaca doanya, walaupun pengulangan sampai 7 kali berturut-turut. Selepas itu, bertawakkal kepada Allah, pilihlah salah satu daripadanya, ambillah yang mana arah ‘hati’ lebih cenderung setelah berdoa. Jangan menimbulkan lagi keraguan, yakinlah bahawa itu adalah pilihan terbaik dari yang Maha Kuasa.

Jangan merasa kecewa andai ternyata dalam keputusan yang dipilih menimbulkan keinginan yang tidak disukai. Ingatlah bahawa ini adalah yang telah digariskan pada azali yang tidak dapat dielakkan, besar kemungkinan mengandungi hikmah, membawa kebaikan dimasa akan datang, hendaklah tetap mempunyai husnuz-zan kepada Allah.

Tata Cara Solat Istikharah

Tata cara solat istikharah lebih kurang sama dengan solat subuh, Hanya niatnya saja yang berlainan, iaitu berniat solat istikharah. dilaksanakan sebelum tidur ataupun setelah bangun tidur. Sangat baik dilakukan sesudah lewat tengah malam disaat sunyi, supaya hati lebih khusyuk dalam mengemukakan permohonan kepada Allah. Solat ini sangat peribadi sifatnya. Sebab itu harus dikerjakan sendirian. Solat ini tidak memakai azan atau iqamah.

Lafaz niat:-
Ushalli Sunnatal Istikharaati Rak’ataini Lillahi Ta’aala
(Sahaja Aku sembahyang sunnat istikharah 2 rakat tunai kerana Allah Ta’ala)

Rakaat pertama-
Baca surah Al-fatihah dan surah Al-kafirun

Rakaat kedua-
Baca surah Al-fatihah dan surah Al-ikhlas

Selepas salam, bacalah doa yang disarankan dalam istikharah. Dalam berdoa sebaiknya menyebutkan permintaan yang ingin diberikan petunjuk oleh Allah s.w.t. misalnya: “Ya Allah, jika hal ini….(sebutkan namanya)”


Ya Allah, aku memohon petunjuk memilih yang baik dalam pengetahuanMu, aku mohon ditakdirkan yang baik dengan kudratMu, aku mengharapkan kurniaMu yang besar. Engkau Maha Kuasa dan aku adalah hambaMu yang dhaif. Engkau Maha Tahu dan aku adalah hambaMu yang jahil. Engkau Maha Mengetahui semua yang ghaib dan yang tersembunyi.

Ya Allah, jika hal ini (***) dalam pengetahuanMu adalah baik bagiku, baik pada agamaku, baik pada kehidupanku sekarang dan masa datang, takdirkanlah dan mudahkanlah bagiku kemudian berilah aku berkah daripadanya.

Tetapi jika dalam ilmuMu hal ini (***) akan membawa bencana bagiku dan bagi agamaku, membawa akibat dalam kehidupanku baik yang sekarang ataupun pada masa akan datang, jauhkanlah ia daripadaku dan jauhkanlah aku daripadanya. Semoga Engkau takdirkan aku pada yang baik, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas setiap sesuatu.”

Thursday, 17 January 2013

About Me

* Nur Amanina Mohd Zamri
* August 31, 1993
* Shah Alam
* 3 out of 4 siblings.
* Love to read, write and listen to music.
* Korean music and English music.
* Running Man, The Beatles, Avenged Sevenfold and Chelsea   FC die hard fan.
* I'd like to be a Writer or Historian.
* Addicted to Coffees!

My dad and my hero, Mohd Zamri b. Dato' Hj. Hashim

My friend and my mom. Hasnah bt. Yassin.

First sister, Nur Afiqah

My best friend and my bedtime story teller, sister II, Nur Athirah.

My one and only brother, Amir Aqmar

Together, we are a happy family :) !

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Interest in History

Do you have interest in history? Well, I'm sure the sum of history lovers are not much. 40% maybe? Who likes history? Lots of facts, lots of events, lots of warrior. But, who cares about the legend? Malaysia are an independent country now. 

Me, myself didn't like history at first. Every History class, I'd fall asleep or yawning over and over again. Especially when my teacher talks so much, no wonder, I'll be the first to fall asleep. But, that's when I'm at Form 1. 

I didn't realized when I started to fall in love with histories. What I remember is, I explore Second World War stories on Internet and I printed out all the pages. It was expensive and I used my savings to pay the bills.

I started to do my "HOMEWORK", discovering, examining, studying, understanding. The more I study about it, the more excited I've been. I didn't just focus on the paper, I as well watching History channel on Astro (channel 555) and I asks my parents. My mom also kinda loves history and she knows a lot about it too.

I don't know why I really really liked history about war at the west. First World War and Second World War, for instance. MiGOD, the feeling of discovering something about it was absolutely FANTASTIC! 

That time FIFA World Cup 2006 was held at Germany. I was Michael Ballack's fan. And since that, I fall in love with Germany. Of course, Germany previous name was Third Reich. Third Reich was named during the 20th century.

Whoever read histories, they must know that Third Reich are within the greatest country in Europe, once. Third Reich was ruled by Adolf Hitler; who practiced dictatorship and he established a party called National Socialize (known as Nazi). Everybody who works under Nazi department are also called Nazi. Hitler made their own religion called Nazism. 

Hitler and his best friend, Dr. Joseph Goebbels (Third Reich Minister of Propaganda) were anti-Jews. They command their soldiers to capture every Jewish in a country they've invaded. The captured Jewish would be send to the 'Last Solution' as Hitler called it. 'Last Solution' is the place where all the Jews would meet their death. 

Hitler used to say "I left few of them (Jewish) alive just to show the world (nowadays) how bad they are and that's the reason why I killed them all" Actually, he was right. Look what happened today. Those heartless Israel-ian, those Jewish. <sighs>

People said, Nazi are cruel and damnable but to me, I think that they're alright. I wasn't on their side, supporting them but in this case, they're quite right. -for killing Jews. 

I won't say any longer, you won't be interest in this kind of story but I just wanted to share with people, how this story attracts me. It hooked in me so deep. And I'm so happy if anyone would like to share their knowledge about history at the west as well :)






#I bought Adolf Hitler's biography books, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) 2 years ago and it was AMAZING!

Monday, 14 January 2013

The ONE Who Stayed

I used to be an ignorant kids. Even though my parents keep asking me to never skip my solat, I'm still ignoring it. During my school days' even horrible. I won't tell how bad and stupid I am that day. I prayed and started to solat when SPM is just around the corner. After SPM, I stopped. I'd pray again when I'm in trouble and asking for help from ALLAH. STILL, I always escaped from trouble. It happens like million times and I never comes around. Even during the fasting month, I didn't solat and just fast and sleep all day long until berbuka

Of course, I'm keeping my bad behavior from my parents. I'm dead meat if they know I had lie to them all these times. 

Until one day, I'm really in a big trouble that I could die if I failed. I apologize to my parents. I don't even know the results but I'm still apologizing, as it was a preparation if I failed. Then, that day came. My dad was by my side. My GOD, the nightmare that terrifies me all these times, didn't become true. 

Now, every times I'm feeling depressed or down, I'd tell, cry, share with HIM. The feeling afterwards, was totally extra-ordinary and relaxing. GOD, that was magical.

Alhamdulillah, to these moment, I'm feeling more lively, merry and ALIVE. Indeed, ALLAH s.w.t is the one who stayed, when no one did. 

I'm Here Thoughtfully, Wait For You Faithfully

Hmm, What can I say? Have you ever admired someone for so long? You liked him for almost a decade and he doesn't even know about it?! Seriously guys, it's totally painful and it's obviously unbearable! I'm actually have NO IDEA how I could endure this kind of pain and of course, for being a fool for admiring someone that is really really impossible to get. I knew I'll be hurt someday but still, I'm here, standing on the same path, unmoved. I couldn't move on. Alright, the conclusion is, I am stupid and I don't know when will I change my mind. 

"I don't know how much longer that I have to put up with you
I've been hiding everything in my heart

Every time we meet each other, every time we face each other
Though I am indifferent..
Do you know how much have I have to force myself?

Can't you hear my heart calling for you, loving you?
But I can't release my heart out for anyone to know
Can't you hear my heart's waiting there for you?
Waiting for you to feel it.

I was hoping that you will realise someday

Though I love you, though I feel (your love)
But deep down inside, I can't dare to tell you

Every time we meet each other, every time we face each other
Though I am indifferent. Do you know how much have I have to force myself?

Can't you hear my heart calling for you, loving you?
But I can't release my heart out for anyone to know
Can't you hear my heart's waiting there for you?
Waiting for you to feel it.
I was hoping that you will realize someday

Can't you hear my heart calling for you, loving you
But I can't release my heart out for anyone to know
Can't you hear my heart waiting there for you, waiting for you to feel it?
And I was hoping that you will realize that this woman still love you
Anyway, someday, you will know

-Someday I will be good enough by Various Artist

Chilling with my Schoolmate

I hung out with my friend just now. We sat by the sidewalk, watching over people pacing and passing through while we talks about our problems and story that we didn't get to share since we've been so busy lately. It was fun. It makes me want to meet and lepak with her again. I admit that I used to condemn her or talks badly about her then I realise, she's actually really fine! My friend, you are amazing :)